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Thursday, June 22, 2023



Have A Heart Of Compassion For The People Like Jesus”


We envision the gospel of Christ Jesus continuing

to be spread throughout the world.

Through preaching and teaching from the bible,

music, audio, books, artwork and podcasts coming soon!

The power of God, Holy power, spirit and forces of the Universe

will still perform miracles in people's lives today as yesterday.

The Word of God never lies and always stands true.

from one generation to the next generation.


Jesus Christ Ministry Church mission is to reach out to the lost and confused.

To help and not make fun of a person's current problems or situation.

Know from a real life perspective.

We are all imperfect

but through Christ Jesus we become perfect within him.



We can't respect one another if we don't know.

how to properly have respect for the lord.

God is the creator of the Universe and mankind.

We must love God first with all of our heart.

As God loves us unconditionally.

God loved us so dearly he gave his only begotten son

Jesus Christ to die on the cross

for our sins and save our souls from hell fire.


Bible-Based center focus faith belief ministry with

Ministers, Disciples, Teachers, Evangelist, Apostles, Prophets,

Aim to mend the broken hearted spiritual need and physical.

To set the captive free as human beings.

God called us to help one another, pray for one another.


Win SOULS” for Jesus Christ,

Heavenly Father Kingdom of Love.

Spread the gospel good news.

We aim to spread the Word of God.

Pray to set others free from demonic bondage,

drug addiction, demonic influence,

cast out demons in Jesus Christ name

and by the blood of Jesus.

Help the homeless,

domestic violence women with children,

Intercessory prayer warriors standing in the gap for others.

God is capable of still performing miracles.

Jesus Christ Ministry Church is after souls.

Before begging God for things.

We are to seek ye the Kingdom of God

First God's work comes first.

We work hard for everyone else except God.

Hell never fire you, forsake or leave you alone.

God is there wherever you go.

We are soaring to be ourselves against

the majority rule's dislike of faith believers.

God made us to love him and ourselves.

Self hate is hating God who created us.



Fearfully wonderful marvelous made by the hand of God.

No matter what your color is, body size, tattoos.

God doesn't discriminate

against you as a human being.

He doesn't like our sinful lifestyle

but loves you as a person made by his hand.

We strive in Christ Jesus to help

the rejects of society be accepted in God society.

The outcast in the family and life social crowds.

Be accepted with God in crowds of spiritual families.

God isn't suicide.

This means a dark world of evil wicked people.

Tell you. You're not good enough.

Not white enough, dark enough, fat enough, too fat,

not pretty enough, too ugly, weird, strange, crazy, dumb,

stupid and the negative list goes on

from the boring negative toxic crowds.

Face it. We'll never be good enough for mankind.

Their miserable complainers whining babies.

Why should we as God's Children" God Chosen Ones even cares

if they of this dark polluted world don't like us.

God said be in the world

not to be a part of its negative depressing belief system.

It depresses, represses, and suppresses your soul.

God Universe has all his children connected together.

We just have to stay focused

while running on the track field of life.

We believe in encouraging people, not down-rating them.

People of this dark world already do enough put downs.

We all need to be built up, encouraged, uplifted, inspired

and loved by another human being.

They say hurt people hurt other people.

People who love, love other people are just that simple.

Our goal is to love others as close

as we can like Christ Jesus.

God is love toward people who seek his ways

and turn at their own free will away from sin.


The beginning of Wisdom

is to have the fear of the lord

in your heart and mind.

Be conscious of his existence.

Know that he is God all by himself.

He doesn't need your fears

and doubts and lack of faith in him.

He that comes to God must believe

and have faith that God is God.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not to your own mankind

carnal mind understanding

but in all your ways acknowledge God.

Have faith in God.

Trust relies and depends on God.

God shall direct your path.


Jesus recruits disciples for his earthly ministry church.

Jesus taught them the Word of God.

In order for The Disciples of Christ

to teach others the Word of God.

How to pray for others bound with demons, how to cast out demons in Jesus Name

and by the blood of Jesus.

How to be baptized in water.

Fill with the comforter which is the Holy Spirit.

Jesus had a heart of compassion for the people

as a multitude of people followed him.

He wanted to make sure the people were fed.

We too must be Disciples for Christ

starting first with your own heart.

Asking God to give you

a heart of compassion for the people.

If you don't. You will only see

them with a judgemental earthly eye

not spiritual in Christ Jesus.

Jesus views people different

from men made of clay dirt of this earth.

Thanks to Our Supporters

You know. If God sent us only one supporter.

This Church of God In Christ thank you.

God said. If you are faithful over little

God will make you ruler over many.

We want to thank all who may volunteer their time,

efforts, education knowledge, gifts, talents,

donations of whatever we need.

Donations of funds for our goals to feed, clothe,

shelter the homeless, own property and land for God.

God Property's own in full.

People go from shelter into God's own property apartment

with little rent to contribute

to the operation of the church.

Faith are the things I can't see and touch right now.

My faith is so strong in God's ability.

He'll move on people 's hearts

and minds to donate land, property,

vans, computers for job and education training.

I walk by faith and not by sight.

I don't see those things but I believe my God

is going to give it to the church in abundance.

We want to thank everyone for your prayers

and support for this mission in Jesus Name and by the blood of Jesus.

Thank You

Minister Evangelist Crystal Lashelle Lax