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Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Children of Israel Complain

Now moving onward to the now current reality of LIFE.

I'm getting my legal paper work in order for my ministry God laid on my heart a long time ago.

I said "lord, how I'm I going to do this"?

"It's a big ministry everything

I went through in life is the ministry.

God gave me the rough part of training. On hands.

Real life experience of homelessness.

How to be grateful over the smallest of things.

You can tell ungrateful people.

They complain when they don't have and when God give it to them.

They still complaining.

God don't like complainers.

If God got you alive and you know you should've been dead.

You need to praise him.

So many people got early release from the lion den of prison.

Yet, get back into the world and DENY GOD!


Promise God to do right and serve him.

They serving everyone else EXCEPT GOD!!

New Life Version

Numbers 11

The Children of Israel Complain

11 Now the people complained about their troubles in the hearing of the Lord.

When the Lord heard it, His anger burned. The fire of the Lord burned among them,

and destroyed some around the outer parts of the tents.

2 Then the people cried to Moses and he prayed to the Lord, and the fire went out.

3 So the name of that place was called Taberah, because the fire of the Lord burned among them.

4 The mixed group of people among them had strong desires.

The people of Israel cried again and said,

“Who will give us meat to eat?

5 We remember all the fish we could eat free in Egypt, and all the fruit and vegetables and spices.

6 But now our strength is gone.

There is nothing at all to look at except this bread from heaven.”

7 Now the bread from heaven was like coriander seed, and it looked like bdellium.

8 The people would go and gather it and beat it between stones.

They boiled it in a pot or made bread with it.

It tasted like bread made with oil.

9 When the grass became wet around the tents at night, the bread from heaven would fall.

10 Moses heard all the people crying in every family, each man at the door of his tent.


READ ***The Lord became very angry with them**WITH WHO?

and Moses was not pleased.